Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention
A GFWC Signature Program
GFWC North Pinellas Woman’s Club works to end all forms of domestic violence by raising awareness about this social issue. By supporting existing activities, working with various established programs and organizations, and initiating educational opportunities for club members and local citizens, the goal is to increase awareness and prevention of the widespread occurrence of domestic abuse in communities across the nation.
Domestic violence affects individuals in every community across the United States. It may include the use of physical and sexual violence, verbal and emotional abuse, stalking, and economic abuse. Domestic violence results in physical injury, psychological trauma, and sometimes death. The consequences of domestic violence can cross generations and last a lifetime.

Domestic & Sexual Violence Awareness & Prevention
Areas of Focus
Child Abuse Prevention
Teen Dating Education
Domestic Violence Survivors
Pinwheels for Prevention
East Lake Fire and Rescue
City of Safety Harbor – City Hall
Safety Harbor Library
Countryside High School
Mattie Williams Neighborhood Family Center
Hands Across the Bay
Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention
Areas of Focus
Human Trafficking education
Human Trafficking prevention
Human Trafficking survivor aid
Selah Freedom
Tampa Bay Advocates Against Human Trafficking